A crew of Xbox Live fans from around the World with a passion for Gears of War & other shooters. Our aim is to have fun, enjoy the camaraderie and to be a great online combat team.
Hey Leute hier sind schonmal ein parr neue Clan-Games für 2011 zum Vorbestellen mit Preis. (Gilt nur für Leute in meiner Umgebung)
Also fangen wir mal an:
1. Gears of War 3 69.99€ Gears Of War 3 [Limited uncut Edition] 89.99€ Gears Of War 3 [Epic uncut Edition] noch kein Preis Bei gamesonly.at erhältlich Release: 20.09.2011
2. Battlefield 3 Limited Edition AT 69.99€ Battlefield 3 LIMITED EDITION 63.99€ Bei digigames.de erhältlich Release: 27.10.2011 Battlefield 3 Limited Edition inkl. Physical Warfare Pack (nur bei Vorbestellungen) 62.50€ Battlefield 3 Limited Edition Pegi 74.99€ Bei Amazon.de erhältlich Release: 27.10.2011 3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 59.99€ Bei digigames erhältlich Release: 8.11.2011 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 [uncut Edition] 69.99€ Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 69.99€ Bei gamesonly.at erhältlich Release: 8.11.2011 4. Assassins Creed Revelations [AT uncut Edition] 59.99€ Bei gamesonly.at erhältlich Release: 10.11.2011 Assassins Creed Revelations 69.99€ Bei Amazon.deRelease: 10.11.2011
5. Fifa 12 69.99€ Bei Amazon erhältlich Release: unbekannt FIFA 12 59.99€ Bei gamesonly.at erhältlich Release: unbekannt
So die Spiele sind alle ohne Versandkosten. Wer bei der Clan-bestellung mitmachen will sagt mir bescheid am besten über diesen Blog und ich schreibe ihn auf. Bevor aber die Bestellung abgeschickt wird muss das Geld schon an mich übergeben sein. Alle Angaben sind ohne Gewehr. Bestellung einfach per Kommentar unten hin schreiben. MFG Bussi22
yes endlich bald is es das nur noch bis samstag warten also laut den trailern von youtube muss das spiel echt der bourner sein ich freu mich schon drauf euer DarthPEANUT (Kivi95)
heyguyswouldlikeitbecauseonceagainwithanew Picture foroursite.Ihavefoundsome cool for example : http://tai-segel.com/wp-content/uploads/gears2_wp2_1280.jpg
Here is the latest news! Bulletstorm appears on the 25th February and many members from our Clan have already pre-ordered it. Now I am already glad about the first nice rounds with you, my friends. So Kill with Skill!
Hello my friends. i have a real good message for you. our site has at the first 2 week´s 1000 visitors. I thank all members and supporters for this great start. That shows me that we are on the right way. I hope the site grows and you will like it. See you.
Hello. Warmly welcome to our Internet side. Here a small image of me: Candyman XB360. My interest in video games began with the NES. Then followed the SNES, Gameboy, Sega Mega Drive, PS One, Sega Dreamcast, PS2 and the PC. My beloved Xbox 360 became I in January, 2008. Since I have announced myself in April, 2010 with XBox live I met the coolest players. What is obvious if to itself a few crass types which gamble since daily together, understand like friends? They united to the GOW Clan. Here we are!
The GOW Clan is an XBox Live group started by Candyman (Xbox Live name) a passionate gamer who loves the camaraderie and teamwork of online gaming. A kindhearted but kick-ass gamer, Candy (as he's known to his friends) loved to play with folks who simply wanted to enjoy the game without all the animosity or intense competition that sometimes arises online. So, he called together some of his online friends and the GOW Clan was born.
They have lots of fun - but also kick loads of ass. Keep an eye out for them.